21. Johnson T.F., et al, (2024) Revealing uncertainty in the status of biodiversity change. Nature
20. Zagrodzka Z., Johnson T.F., Beckerman A. (2024) Accelerating the open research agenda. Ecology & Evolution
19. Verissimo D., Johnson T.F., et al, (2023) Adopt Digital Tools to Monitor Social Dimensions of Global Biodiversity Framework. Conservation Letters
18. Johnson T.F., et al, (2023) Achieving a real-time online monitoring system for conservation culturomics . Conservation biology
17. Evans L.C....Johnson T.F. [senior author] (2023) Open season on trophy hunting; characterising and contextualising the trophy hunting debate on Twitter. Conservation biology
16. Johnson T.F., et al, (2023) Socioeconomic factors predict population changes of large
carnivores better than climate change or habitat loss. Nature communications
15. Greenwell M.P., Johnson T.F. (2022) Is it all talk: Do politicians that promote environmental messages on social media actually vote-in environmental policy? Energy, Ecology and Environment
14. Johnson T.F., et al, (2022) CaPTrends: A global database of Carnivoran Population Trends. Global Ecology and Biogeography
13. Johnson T.F. Murn C (2022) Density of Pied Crows Corvus albus in two of South Africa's protected areas. African journal of ecology
12. Cornford R., ... Johnson T.F. [senior author] (2022) Automated synthesis of biodiversity knowledge requires better tools and standardised research output. Ecography
11. Johnson T.F., Greenwell M.P. (2022) Are UK companies greenwashing on Twitter to hide bad environmental performance. Energy, Ecology and Environment
10. Johnson T.F.,, (2021) Associations between COVID-19 transmission rates, park use, and landscape structure. Science of the Total Environment
9. Johnson T.F., et al, (2021) classecol:
classifiers to understand public opinions of nature. Methods in ecology and
8. Johnson M.J., et al. (2021) Differences in polysomnographic, nocturnal penile tumescence and penile doppler ultrasound findings in men with stuttering priapism and sleep-related painful erections. Int J Impot Res
7. Johnson T.F.,, (2020) Handling missing
values in trait data. Global ecology and biogeography
6. Shackelford G,, (2020) Accumulating evidence using
crowdsourcing and machine learning: a living bibliography about existential
risk and global catastrophic risk. Futures
5. Johnson
T.F.(2019) Exceptional nest attendance and solo
breeding attempt by an African White-backed Vulture. Vulture News
4. Johnson M.J., et al.
(2019) Which patients with ischaemic priapism require further investigation for
malignancy? International journal of impotence research
3. Johnson
T.F., Murn C. (2019) Interactions between Pied Crows and nesting
African White-backed Vultures. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution
2. Johnson M.J., et al.
(2018) An Analysis of the Frequency of Y-Chromosome Microdeletions and the
Determination of a Threshold Sperm Concentration for Genetic Testing in
Infertile Men. British Journal of Urology
1. Johnson
T.F., Brown T. J., Richardson D.S., Dugdale H.L.
(2018) The importance of post-translocation assessment of Seychelles warbler habitat and resource-use:
directing island restoration and management. Journal of Ornithology
Nearly there...
Millard J. et al. (In press) ChatGPT is likely reducing opportunities for support, friendship, and learned kindness in research. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Johnson T.F., et al, (In press) Pressure to publish introduces LLM risks. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Capdevila P., ... Johnson T.F., et al, (In revision) Interacting threats drive the decline of global vertebrate populations