Associate fellow of the higher education authority
Robert Mann (MRes student at Wits university and Pidwa Nature Reserve) - Drivers of translocation success in Cheetah Acinoyx jubatus. Co-supervising alongside Prof Francesca Parrini and Vincent Van der Merwe
Hebe Kent, Bethan Hill, Tom Francis, Leonie Dommett, Georgia Dunn & Natasha Penwill (BSc student at University of Reading) - Understanding people's perceptions of the environment using twitter data. Co-supervising alongside Dr Manuela Gonzalez-Suarez
Coastal ecology fieldtrip (~50 hours) with the University of Leeds [Level 5] - supervised 8 students in a mini-project, managing safe site-access, support in project design, and implementing rubric marking.
Bird handling techniques (~20 hours) with the University of Leeds [Level 7] - supported experienced bird ringers in training masters students.
Animal cognition (~30 hours) with the University of Reading [Level 4] - supported module lead
Ecology (~70 hours) with the University of Reading [Level 4] - supported module lead and assisted with marking
Animal behaviour (~50 hours) with the University of Reading [Level 5] - supported module lead and assisted with marking
Other relevant roles
Co-team leader and disability lead (~200 hours) with the National Citizen Service (description listed in employment)